How do I need to specify start date to retrieve records from source using EPIC CDC method, I have an error "Unable to retrieve start date for EPIC CDC method."
What is the weird error, Unable to truncate the land tableUnable to insert records in land table. The operation could not be performed because OLE DB provider "OraOLEDB.Oracle" for linked server "XXXXXXXX" can someone explain me about it.
What is meant by EPIC CDC load type? I selected load type as EPIC CDC and I have this error " Unable to execute EPIC CDC method."
What are the reserve word for A2B, I have following error in my logs "Unable to create temporary table. ERROR: transformColumnType: error reading type 'XXXXXXXXXX' "
is there any defined cache memory allocated for temp tables, the reason for my question is following error "Unable to create temporary table. ERROR: Table 'A2BDATA_MLEQ07MHML' record size 154712 exceeds internal limit of 65535 bytes "
when error say " system not ready", which system is it refereeing too? (Unable to create temporary table. ERROR: System not ready)
I cannot understand why I have this error? "Unable to create temporary table. ERROR: Going Offline Now : System state invalid for request" can someone explain me about it.
Do A2B service account need write permission, I have following error and I want to resolve it. error message: Unable to create temporary table. ERROR: CREATE TABLE: permission denied.
How can we find a syntax error in A2B, I have an error which says “Unable to create temporary table. ERROR: 'CREATE TABLE A2B_XXXXXXXXXX'", how can I troubleshoot this?